K1SVC Hallicrafters S-40 Restoration – Part 2
Progress is made on the K1SVC Hallicrafters S-40.
This video shows the tear down of the chassis. We remove the IF Cans, Power Transformer and Variable Tuning Capacitor.
New Site Title and Call Sign
Those of you that have been to my site before might be a bit confused. This site used to be called KBØASQ after my Amateur Radio Call Sign. After dragging my feet for awhile, I requested that the FCC reassign to me my original Call Sign WDØDXD.
It is the first call sign I had when I got my ticket in 1978. It wasn’t reassigned after I lost it when my novice license expired after the 2 year period that they were good for back then. They changed the rules and allowed you to reapply and keep the novice license if it had not been expired for more than 1 year or 2 (I don’t remember how long it was). So I reapplied and got a new sequential license.
Nothing has changed, just got the old call back and should have some new content ready for you soon.
K1SVC Hallicrafters S-40 Restoration – Part 1
We take on another Hallicrafters restoration. This time an S-40. Most of the restoration will be cosmetic on this one, but we will have to check some resistors and replace some electrolytics.
This video gives an overview of the condition of the unit and I also show a S-40B that we will be working on at the same time.
K1SVC S-38 Hallicrafters Restoration – Part 8 Final
In this video we finish K1SVC’s S-38. I show how we replace the speaker, and then run into trouble, the new speaker doesn’t clear one of the tubes, so we go to plan B. Then we install the new back and make a new bottom label.
Finally, we put it back to work listening to some shortwave broadcasts and a SSB transmission. Next step is to box it up and send it back.
K1SVC S-38 Hallicrafters Restoration – Part 7
In this video, we take a step backward and then move forward again. The water slide decals prove to be unacceptable so we move on to dry transfer decals. In the end the process looks great and hopefully the next video will be the last in this series.
K1SVC S-38 Hallicrafters Restoration – Part 6
In this video we repair the cabinet and media blast and powder coat it.
Next video we will apply the decals and finish it up.
K1SVC S-38 Hallicrafters Restoration – Part 5
In this video we finally complete the electronic restoration of the radio. Alignment of band 4 is completed after rewinding the Oscillator Transformer and some other work.
K1SVC S-38 Hallicrafters Restoration – Part 4
In this video I go over the results of installing the isolation transformer, Test the tubes and show the end result. We also find out we have some work to do on the Oscillator Coil.
K1SVC S-38 Hallicrafters Restoration – Part 3
In this video we replace the capacitors and resistors in the S-38. Next video we will start to work on the case.